Convert invoice into cash.

Using the SEF LINK application, you can offer your outstanding invoices for financing to one of factoring companies and get your money fast. Financing through factoring is a good way to preserve liquidity in your business without loans.

Try SEF LINK for 30 days for free. Cancel anytime.

Fast way of financing. Even faster and cheaper using the SEF LINK.

Factoring financing helps to always have cash and to do business smoothly. Instead of going into debt and taking out loans, choose this method of financing.

The best factoring offer

Possibility of sending an offer to several factoring companies increases your chances of obtaining more favorable financing conditions, because you can choose the best offer among different bidders.

Without physically going anywhere

Sending a request for financing an outstanding invoice over the phone.
*It is required first to be registered with factoring companies

Collect fast

Factoring financing is a quick way to collect outstanding receivables. Using the SEF LINK, it is even faster and simpler.

Better liquidity control

Regular use of factoring application provides better control over liquidity of your business and reduces the risk of late payments or outstanding invoices

Easier access

It allows access to factoring services from anywhere and at any time, which is especially useful for entrepreneurs who are often on the move.

Time saving

Quick sending of an offer and receiving a response through the mobile app, speeds up factoring process and reduces waiting time for financing approval.

How does factoring finance work?

You access factoring financing from the SEF LINK application

Send a request for an offer to finance an outstanding invoice.


The request is automatically sent to all factoring companies that are connected to SL.


You receive offers from the factoring companies.


Choose the best offer for your business.


After that, the money is paid out.

Mask group

Borrowing money produces costs.

The last thing that you need is an unpaid invoice for which you need to go into debt and pay interest. Instead, you can sell the outstanding invoice to a factoring company.

Through the SEF LINK, you get more offers every time you send a request.

30 days free. Cancel anytime.

You don't have to borrow money. Cash out your unpaid invoices.

While creating our application, we were thinking about entrepreneurs who have to take out loans because of unpaid invoices, ask for loans from the bank and then pay back the debt with interest, and those who unfortunately have to close their business because they have no money.

There is a better way to get out of this situation and that is through a factoring service. We wish you regular payments, but also to always have option to quickly sell an unpaid invoice. That’s why we created this feature – Factoring financing that allows you the fastest way to payment.

Cash is king, so don’t run out!

Other tools

Explore other possibilities provided by the SEF LINK application.

CASH FLOW forecast

SEF LINK gives you a forecast of costs and inflows for better budget planning.

SEF and eInvoices

Track, approve and send eInvoices on your phone.
Posalji na e mail

5 minutes.
That's how much you need.

In 5 minutes, download the application and get control of your finances and cash flow forecast with SEF LINK.
Try SEF LINK for 30 days for free. Cancel anytime.
Aplikacija za pracenje toka novca SEF LINK

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